by Julie Escobar
You’ve seen them — those mega-producers who seem impervious to the market peaks and valleys felt by mere “mortal” agents. They continue to work day in and day out, usually with a smile to share and the time (and money) to even take their families on nice vacations each year. How do YOU become one of THEM? Start by recognizing eight traits that superstars embody, embrace and constantly improve upon in order to maintain forward momentum and a healthy balance-and then adopt them as your own:
Adopting the Traits of Top Producers
Eight Factors to Adopt Today to Leverage More Success
You’ve seen them — those mega-producers who seem impervious to the market peaks and valleys felt by mere “mortal” agents. They continue to work day in and day out, usually with a smile to share and the time (and money) to even take their families on nice vacations each year.
How do YOU become one of THEM? Start by recognizing eight traits that superstars embody, embrace and constantly improve upon in order to maintain forward momentum and a healthy balance-and then adopt them as your own:
1. Positive attitude. That’s right! Attitude is critical to top producers. They greet their days with confidence and joy, seek out the positive and leave the negative for those unwilling to step above the mire. That’s not to say that problems, obstacles or objections don’t arise; they just choose to approach them as opportunities to find new solutions. They understand that to go where they’ve never gone, they must do things they’ve never done. They push forward with persistence and joy because they know the feeling and frame of mind that accompanies every new success.
2. Action oriented. “Just do it.” Nike has it right, as do top producers in every industry. They move forward. Do something. Take action. They don’t wait for the perfect time, a better market or a new day. Author Jules Renard said it well, “Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it.”
Top producers don’t sit by waiting for the phone to ring. They don’t plan, re-plan, organize and re-organize to the point where they spend no real time doing the things that will earn them a viable living. They move forward. Take action. Delegate the “busy work” that could prevent them from achieving their goals. Go ahead, just do it!
3. Desire to learn. How do the best get better? How do they maintain their integrity, success and longevity despite market shifts and economic challenges? They take a page from the Marines: They adapt and overcome.
We are fortunate to live in a time where knowledge is available via the internet 24/7. We can learn whatever we want, whenever we want. Industry legends create downloadable seminars and publish books, CDs and DVDs. Live training is available in every major market-and most of the smaller ones, too. The wise never stop learning-never stop improving who they are and what they do. They feed their minds and their hearts with the best the world has to offer. It is part of what fuels their days and invigorates their careers.
What have you learned lately? I challenge you to learn a new skill or acquire a new tool that will make you better this week. Then learn another and another until you, like all top producers, are passionate about expanding your knowledge base.
4. Serious about systems. Agents at the top of their game know that systems are key. They know that continuously marketing their name and brand is too important to leave to chance. They have systems for contact management, lead generation, time management, administrative responsibilities, and budget checks and balances. They have a financial plan for their future and an exit plan for their careers.Finding the right systems may seem like a big mountain to climb, but reflect back on #2 above, and take action-any action-today. Start by taking advantage of our simple Business BASETM contact-management system. It’s not only effective, but it’s also FREE-and we guarantee six additional transactions in the next 12 months when used correctly. Also ask the super-agents in your office who they recommend for a financial plan, what systems they use to manage their time and what advice they can give to aspiring top producers. You might be surprised at how much they’re willing to share.
I recommend the book Juggling Elephants by Jones Loflin and Todd Musig. It’s a quick read that shares some terrific time-management and priority-setting strategies you may just want to adopt for yourself!
5. Put people first. One of the traits I find most interesting about many of the most successful entrepreneurs I know is their commitment to putting people first. They are service minded, happy to help and willing to go the extra mile not just for their clients, but for everyone in their lives.
Is money a priority? Sure, but it doesn’t top the list. Top producers fully understand that theirs is a people industry, and an unwavering focus on bringing their best selves to the table for everyone is what makes them superstars above and beyond the balance in their bank accounts.
I recommend both Jack Mitchell’s Hug Your Customer and Mark Sanborn’s The Fred Factor. These terrific books explain how focusing on and serving the VIPs in your life brings tremendous rewards that go far beyond business.
6. Self-discipline and motivation. Top producers don’t ask their managers what to do next, who to call or where to start. They rely on their systems for that and use their own sense of discipline to follow through. They motivate themselves by tapping into the sources and mindsets they need to greet each morning, each customer, each appointment, each obstacle and each opportunity. They see greatness when others see weakness. They realize potential where others see waste.
7. Expansive thinking. Top professionals don’t think in terms of “limits” or use the word “can’t” very much. They are broad-spectrum, can-do people. They look at what could be and make it reality. They turn negative thoughts and doubt away at the door by taking action and moving past the moment.
Mike Ferry said it well, “When you think big, think bigger, then think bigger than that. If I had it to do all over again, I would think bigger.” Now that’s a strong statement from a legend in this business. Open your mind, knock down the walls and think big-then think BIGGER!
8. Don’t go it alone. Very few successful people are “self-made;” most had a lot of help along the way. They recognize the value of having the right people in their lives-not only to help them realize their goals, but also to keep them playing at the level of success and balance that they desire.
They are, in many cases, both mentors and protégés. They seek guidance and coaching in the areas that matter: family, relationships, business, education and spirituality. They keep family and friends close for strength and support. Success is far more fun, meaningful and exponential when it’s shared.
What could you accomplish this week if you embraced or improved on just one of these characteristics? What would it mean to your family, yourself and to the possibilities that lie before you? What if you didn’t stop there and-step-by-step and day-by-day-made all of these traits your own?
How quickly or effectively you weave these traits into your life and career is up to you. It all begins with the desire to do more, be more and achieve more than ever before. I challenge you to start today.
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